"...the new Online Ordering system will take the place of the online catalog you're used to seeing. During the interim period between the release of the Fall-Winter 2008 Idea Book & Catalog and the release of Online Ordering, the online catalog has been replaced with a PDF version that can be downloaded and viewed. This is a temporary solution that allows online access to the catalog until Online Ordering is available.
We are working to decrease the document's download time on our end, but because of file size and significant download traffic, it may take some time to download. When you do download the document, make sure to save it to your hard drive so that you do not have to download it again.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring you a fantastic new Online Ordering system!"
So, the bulky .pdf file is only temporary - and it's online replacement will be outstanding (trust me, I saw sneak peeks at Convention)! Remember, too, that you can order your very own Idea Book & Catalog that you can hold in your hands - just drop me a line!
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